Extract from El Dorado Hills Telegraph 9 May 2007


Group works to repair ailing El Dorado Hills roadways

They may not really look it, but two main thoroughfares in El Dorado Hills are a bit under the weather. Literally. Now, some local groups are working together to fix the problems before things get worse.

Serrano Parkway and Silva Valley Parkway are suffering from 15 years of adverse weather, heavy traffic, and general wear and tear.

The road rehabilitation and preservation project will get underway this month with estimated completion in August 2007.

From start to finish, the work will be a cooperative effort of several public and private entities, each with a unique responsibility in completing the extensive repairs. Each will cover the costs of its share of the work, with the total cost for the project expected to be approximately $600,000.

The El Dorado County Department of Transportation will remove and replace the damaged pavement on Serrano Parkway from El Dorado Hills Boulevard to Greenview Drive at the Serrano Country Club entrance.

Time and weather have also caused drainage problems along the two parkways, including sunken and damaged water valves, which the El Dirado Irrigation District will rebuild and replace.

Once the repair phase of the project is completed, the Serrano El Dorado Owners' Association has committed to an undertaking that will protect the newly rehabilitated roadways, as well as the remaining portions of the roads within Serrano's boundaries.

The association will install a "slurry seal" on the entire public roadway system within Serrano, which will not only prolong the life of the roads, but will also give the roads a virtual new look.

A final element of the project will be DOT's installation of all-way stop signs at four road intersections along Serrano Parkway. These intersections include Terracina Drive, Collingtree Park Drive/Torino Way, Villagio Drive, and Penniman Drive/Greenview Drive.

New pedestrian crosswalks will be installed at each of these intersections to allow safe pedestrian passage across Serrano Parkway. DOT decided to add the all-way stops based upon a recent review of traffic issues and public concerns.

Serrano Parkway and Silva Valley Parkway will remain open during all phases of the repair project.


Extracted/transcribed by Bass Lake Action Committee